Saturday, June 25, 2011

A New People-Group

I was introduced to a new people-group last night at a baby shower for my neighbor. They're called "Football Wives." You can't pick them out of a crowd in any way, but they have a unique attribute that very few folks in the nation (I speculate) can claim.

Our neighbor is the operations guy for the football team at OSU which makes his wife "The wife of the operations guy for the football team at OSU." Now, that distinction does not have anything unique that any other married couple does not have. What makes this different is the strange and wonderful bond that these 'football wifes' have. So track this with me... these women are thrown together not by any commonality except the occupation of their spouses - still not an unusual thing. Their families go through stressful times as a result of the jobs (referring now to the football jobs), there's travel or times of separation, there's a rhythm of life that comes with the family member's job. Still nothing unusual.

But let's take the job of a tax accountant - that's easy to compare as they both have seasons that are stressful and take them away from their families. Same with any family in sales, or construction. or... But during these times when the spouse is committing great amounts of time to the job, how often does it happen that the spouses are able to gather and 'do life' together? These 'football wives' are brought together weekly to watch the games with their kids and the other wives - I'm envisioning a weekly play-date on a very strange magnitude. These women have walked beside each other during the times when it's most stressful on the family to have the spouse 'away.' They've celebrated births, deaths, sickness, victory, defeat on every level as a group. THIS does not happen for 'accountants wives!' Could you imagine families hanging around together while the spouse is hammering out taxes? Or making a business deal, or laying a foundation? It's not going to happen! I often get thrown into the 'pastor's wife' group, but it sometimes feel more sympathetic than supportive. Not to complain about my role in the family, but more to expose what a wonderful bond these women have.

I don't feel like I'm saying it very clearly. These women I was with last night appeared to have an amazing connection to each other not because they chose to be together, but yet love each other deeply - which is a very uncommon thing, really. I was very honored to be able to step in for just a brief time to share their lives - for this I want to thank you, ladies.

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