Friday, March 18, 2011

6 weeks, 3 days

I'll probably be doing the countdown until departure as a way of giving perspective as to what we're up to before leaving. So... in exactly 6 weeks and 3 days we'll be in the van and on our way!

So what did week 7 look like? This was the week, I think for both of us, to freak out - and then gain perspective - about our prospective responsibilities. The honeymoon is over and reality sets in!

I have been doing the house-hunting and quickly learned that I shouldn't be doing that right now. As much as I'd like to have an address so that I can take care of switching insurances, switching schools, and any other 'change of address' things, it's just not the sensible thing to be doing. Since we're going to be renting, we don't want to pay an extra month's rent to hold a place until we get there, so getting excited about finding something is only serving to frustrate me. Therefore, I decided to only 'glance' and not actually 'hunt' until the first of April. We'll see how I actually do.

For Josh, he's realizing just how much work he's got cut out for himself. Time to tame the brain and narrow down the important stuff.

Other things that really begin to 'hit home' are silly things like shelves being emptied of their books and boxed up, the turtle being brought to a new home, making contact with the school to initiate their attendance in the Corvallis school district. YIKES! Since Josh will not be heading up the church plant here on the NW side of GR, he's having meetings to see if there's another point person to take that position. No turning back now!

We are forever grateful for the prayers of everyone. We have prayer warriors literally across the country and around the world. We daily remember that our family has been bathed in prayer for quite some time and we are profoundly appreciative.

Patti and I have decided that for the next several weeks, we have to be careful how we gaze at each other as it's getting to the point that we both might become weepy at any minute. Good-byes will be tough. (For those who don't know or have forgotten, we live with Jim & Patti Kenyon - 13 months and counting. So much for "temporary assistance!")

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