Monday, May 2, 2011

Farewells and Day One of Driving

OK, where to begin.
We are currently in Albert-Lea, Minnesota right off the I-90 expressway. We left this morning at around 10:30 or so after making a few short stops for things like cash, sunglasses, coloring books, and coffee. You know, the important things.  The kids were pretty terrific, and to be honest, the dog is as much of a slug in the car as he is at home. Hooray! I have a pic of him draped over the back seat, but it's too, too cold to run back out to the car to get the camera. I'm not sure what happened to Spring, but it sure isn't found in Minnesota today!  Overall we had great weather until we hit about 1/2 way through Wisconsin when it clouded up. Chicago was a breeze (no pun intended - HA! Get it? 'The Windy City'??), Wisconsin is rolling hills and Minnesota has cool barns.

Currently Josh took the kids to the pool to give me a chance to blog and take a breather. He did all the driving today and I'm sure that as I write, he too is catching up on emails and sending out thank yous and updates.

We had an AMAZING day yesterday. Exhausting, yes...but what a wonderful send-off from our River Rock friends. It was a beautiful worship, pot-luck, presentation, and amazing words of affirmation and encouragement. We've experienced in a very real way over the last few weeks something we've known for a long time: We are leaving a (I'm running out of synonyms for AMAZING) very special community of believers and supporters. You Rockford-ites have carried us through the starts of ministry, seminary, and then my cancer, and now you continue to uphold us even as we move across the country. AMAZING! We cannot physically say 'thank you' or reciprocate your love to us!

So that's it. No horrible or hillarious stories from the day. We saw Chicago, the Mississippi River (and spelled it many times over), went through a windmill 'range' of some sort and tired of trying to count all the windmills. I was able to order first at Applebee's because I saw the sign first - pays to sit in the front seat, though I have stiff competition from Noah who's always up for a challenge.

PS We were approved for a rental last week Tuesday. Yea! It's a great 4 bdrm with an empty lot to one side and a 4-diamond ball park (sound similar to a 5-star hotel) in the backyard just one mile from the church and elementary school. The moving van we rented didn't quite fit all our furniture, but nothing that we can't do without (Sorry, Jim and Patti!). AND there's the possibility that it can rejoin us later. We shall see.

Many thanks to our movers on Saturday:
Oops - Sorry, John! :)

(Clockwise from the front left) Ariel, Brandon, Eric, John, Marv, Josh, Dave, Rafael
Not pictured: Rick & Caleb


  1. Your truck and drivers are in Nebraska... I think that's what Dave said...pretty sure. All is well, all is safe. Seems to be pretty smooth sailing so far.

  2. If the van drivers need a place to stay in Denver, let me know! ~Cristen
